
윤재성 YOON, Jae-sung

  • TEL.02-584-5533
  • FAX.02-584-0075
  • EMAIL.y5679s@naver.com

YOON, Jae-sungAdvisor

Yoon Jae-sung, a Criminal Affairs Specialist, served as a police officer in various key positions at the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, Seocho Police Station, Songpa Police Station, and Bangbae Police Station. Throughout his career, he held roles such as Team Leader at the 112 General Situation Room, Traffic Safety Team Leader, Chief Investigator at the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office Police Office, and Police Substation Chief. With extensive field experience and expertise in criminal investigations, traffic safety, and public security, he has developed a deep understanding of law enforcement. He is currently a Criminal Affairs Specialist at Law Firm Sanwoo (LLC), providing expert advice and practical support for criminal cases.



Police Squad, Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency

Team Leader, Seocho Police Station 112 General Situation

Team Leader, Seocho Police Station Department of Transportation

Chief of Police Officers, Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office

Chief of Naegok Police Substation

Songpa Police Station Department of Transportation

Chief of Living Safety, Seocho Police Station

Chief of Order, Seocho Police Station Department of Living Safety

Outdoor Guidance Officer, Seocho Police Station Department of Living Safety

Team Leader, Bangbae Police Station 112 General Situation

Bangbae1 Police Substation

Advisory, Sanwoo Lawfirm